
The Rotary Inclinometer is a measurement tool, which measures the axle inclinations of slow rotating parts during operation (e.g. Rotary Kilns, Ball Mills). It measures deviations in vertical direction with a high accuracy, which makes the alignment work much easier.

It can be considered as a water level for rotating parts.

The Rotary Inclinometer is a measurement tool, which measures the axle inclinations of slow rotating parts during operation.
Measuring Principle

The Inclinometer has to be attached on an axial surface of the rotating part, whose axle inclination needs to be measured (e.g. Girth Gear, Pinion, Kiln Tire, Kiln Roller). A high accurate inclination sensor, which is ingrate in the Inclinometer sends continuously values about its angle in respect to the gravity via Bluetooth connection to a Laptop PC.

These high numbers of relative inclination values, which are taken during one or more revolutions, appear as a wave curve on the screen. The software fits a sine curve into the graph of the measured values and calculates the mean angle value. The inclination of the axis is equivalent to the fitted mean value of all these points and is calculated and displayed continuously during the measurement.

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